Web Templates

Best WordPress Theme 2024

  • Flexibility: X theme offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to create websites that perfectly match their vision and branding.
  • Intuitive Interface: Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced web developers, streamlining the website creation process.
  • Extensive Features: From built-in page builders to advanced typography controls, X theme comes packed with features that enable users to design and customize every aspect of their website.
  • Responsive Design: X theme is designed to be responsive, ensuring that websites look great and function flawlessly on any device or screen size.
  • Pre-built Templates and Plugins: With a vast library of pre-built templates and plugins, X theme makes it easy to get started and add additional functionality to your website.
  • Regular Updates and Support: The team behind X theme is committed to providing regular updates and excellent customer support, ensuring that users have access to the latest features and assistance when needed.
  • Overall, X theme empowers users to create stunning and functional websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge, making it a popular choice for a wide range of projects.
  • Stack selection (Integrity, Renew, Icon, or Ethos)
  • Site layout (fullwidth or boxed)
  • Site max-width (in pixels)
  • Site width (in percentage)
  • Content layout (content left – sidebar right, sidebar left – content right, or fullwidth)
  • Background color, pattern, image, and image fade
  • Countless Stack-specific options
  • Enable custom fonts and their subsets if desired
  • Logo font, color, size, weight, letter spacing, and choose to enable uppercase styling
  • Navbar link color, link color hover, size, weight, and choose to enable uppercase styling
  • Headings font, color, weight, letter spacing, and choose to enable uppercase styling
  • Body font, color, size (base and content area), and weight
  • Link color and link color hover
  • Button style (3D, flat, or transparent)
  • Button shape (square, rounded, or pill)
  • Button size (mini, small, regular, large, extra large, or jumbo)
  • Button font color, background color, and border color (and set values for the hover as well)
  • Header position (static top, fixed top, fixed left, or fixed right)
  • Logo and navigation layout (inline or stacked)
  • Enable or disable Navbar Search
  • Navbar top height (in pixels)
  • Navbar side width (in pixels)
  • Logo upload
  • Make logo retina ready
  • Navbar top and side logo alignment (in pixels)
  • Navbar top and side link alignment (in pixels)
  • Mobile navbar button alignment (in pixels)
  • Mobile navbar button size (in pixels)
  • Header widget areas (one, two, three, or four)
  • Header widget area button color
  • Header widget area button color hover
  • Enable or disable topbar
  • Topbar content for taglines, contact information, or secondary navigation (accepts HTML input)
  • Enable or disable breadcrumbs
  • Enable or disable top footer area)
  • Footer widget areas (one, two, three, or four)
  • Enable or disable bottom footer, footer menu, footer social menu, and footer content area
  • Bottom footer content (accepts HTML input)
  • Enable or disable the Scroll Top Anchor, allowing your users to return to the top of your site with the click of a mouse
  • Update blog style (standard or masonry)
  • Update blog layout
  • Update archive style (standard or masonry)
  • Update archive layout
  • Enable or disable post meta
  • Enable the excerpt or full post content on your index page
  • Custom URL slug for your portfolio items
  • Enable cropped featured images
  • Enable or disable portfolio item meta
  • Custom portfolio tag list title
  • Custom portfolio project title
  • Custom portfolio project button text
  • Enable or disable social sharing links on portfolio items
  • Manage and preview your bbPress setup
  • Update bbPress layout
  • Enable or disable bbPress Navbar Menu
  • Manage and preview your BuddyPress setup
  • Update BuddyPress layout
  • Enable or disable BuddyPress Navbar Menu
  • Custom BuddyPress component titles
  • Custom BuddyPress component subtitles (in applicable Stacks)
  • Manage and preview your WooCommerce shop
  • Update shop layout
  • Select product columns
  • Posts per page for the shop
  • Enable or disable various product tabs with ease
  • Enable or disable Related Products and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Enable or disable Upsells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Enable or disable Cross Sells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Adjust WooCommerce widget image alignment
  • Profiles for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Pinterest, Dribbble, Behance, Tumblr, and RSS
  • Site icons (favicon, touch icon, tile icon, and tile icon background color)
  • Input custom CSS right in the Theme Customizer
  • Input custom JavaScript right in the Theme Customizer
  • Manage all of your widgetized areas right in the Theme Customizer
  • And so much more!

Unique Portfolios or Best WordPress Theme

  • Set a unique URL slug for your portfolio items
  • Set how many posts per page you want to appear on the index listing
  • Set how many columns you want to use on the index listing
  • Supports images, galleries, and video
  • Display either the featured image or the media type (e.g. gallery, video) on the index page
  • Set unique backgrounds on each individual post to mirror your work
  • Categorize and tag your portfolio pieces like normal posts for easy organization

Best WordPress Theme 2024 in envatomarket
75,302,614: items sold
$1,163,068,691: community earnings


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